from LSU Press
MARCH 2023
In 2022
In 2021
In 2013
Doctors at War:
The Clandestine Battle Against the Nazi Occupation of France
When anti-Jewish measures intensified under the Nazi Occupation of France, a group of doctors formed a clandestine group to treat and shelter resistants, to deter deportation and to protect victims of terror. Led by the grandson of the great Louis Pasteur, the Resistance Health Service included the son of a rabbi, the son of a Protestant pastor, and the first woman to direct a French hospital department. They joined forces in Paris to outwit the Nazis, despite terrible danger. The physician founders of another resistance group, Vengeance, were among hundreds of French doctors deported to concentration camps. They went to work in camp clinics, treating and healing ill and starving prisoners with little more than their hands and their knowledge. In the final phase of the war, doctors joined the hidden forest camps of maquisards in combat, operating under parachute tents with car headlights, patching up injuries incurred in guerrilla attacks on German troops. Throughout the dark night of Nazi domination, doctors risked their lives to save others and ease the suffering of their nation. Sworn to aid and assist, most of them felt they could not have acted otherwise.
Les Rochambelles: Ambulancières de la France combattante 1943-45
Edition française publiée en avril 2022 par Tallandier
Traduction par Claude Urraca
Des femmes dans une division blindée ! Le général Leclerc n’en a jamais entendu parler. Mais tel est le marché qui lui est présenté : s’il veut 19 ambulances Dodge flambant neuves pour sa jeune division, il doit accepter également les chauffeurs, des femmes. Ce groupe, assemblé à New York quelques mois auparavant par une riche veuve américaine, Florence Conrad, a ensuite embarqué pour le Maroc, en octobre 1943 dans un convoi militaire américain, sans aucune certitude sur leur sort. Le groupe Rochambeau – rapidement surnommé les Rochambelles – écrit une page d’histoire en étant la première unité des femmes intégré dans une division de combat sur le front occidental pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
Women of Valor: The Rochambelles on the WWII Front
New Revised Edition Published by mcfarland & co. publishers
Women of Valor tells the extraordinary story of the Rochambelles, the only women's unit to serve on the front lines of WWII. Organized in New York by a wealthy American widow determined to create an all-female ambulance corps, they served with unflinching courage—saving soldiers from burning camps, dodging bombs, bullets, and mines, and even talking their way out of German hands.
Playground for Misunderstanding
Is it murder, or is it not? An American exchange student and his French girlfriend trip into the investigation and its subset considerations of Parisian life, skinhead violence at the mosque, arson-by-real estate, flashmobs in the Luxembourg Gardens, and an international Nietzsche hacker who wants the public to think, rather than consume. Playground for Misunderstanding takes a smart and funny walk along faultlines of communication between French and American, male and female, old and young, in the sublime chaos of today's Paris. Or is it yesterday’s? So hard to tell.
in the works